Home Health & Wellness 8 Yoga Poses To Get Toned Abs
yoga poses to get toned abs

8 Yoga Poses To Get Toned Abs

by Kelly Carter

Doing specific yoga exercises regularly can help you get toned abs in no time. Today, I will be showing you 8 yoga poses to get toned abs.

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to improve physical and mental health. It can be a great way to target specific muscle groups, including the abs and glutes.

Practicing yoga regularly can provide numerous benefits for these areas of your body, making it an ideal form of exercise for those looking to tone their midsection or strengthen their butt muscles.

Benefits Of Yoga For Abs And Glutes

Practicing various poses helps stretch out tight muscles in these regions, allowing them a greater range of motion when performing other exercises such as squats or lunges. This increased flexibility also makes movements more efficient while reducing the risk of injury during strenuous activities like running or weightlifting.

Furthermore, stretching out tight muscles reduces tension, which may help reduce back pain caused by weak core strength with consistent practice.

Another important benefit of practicing yoga regularly is, improved strength in both the abdominal region and buttocks area due to engaging multiple muscle groups at once through various poses such as plank pose or chair pose variations.

These poses not only help build muscular endurance but also increase stability throughout your entire torso, which will make everyday tasks easier, such as carrying groceries upstairs, without straining yourself unnecessarily.

Also, the improved balance achieved through certain standing postures will give you better posture while helping prevent falls due to unstable footing. Check out these yoga core exercises.

Yoga Poses To Get Toned Abs

The Boat Pose (Navasana)

Boat pose

The Boat Pose is a great pose for strengthening the abdominal muscles, as it requires balance and stability from this region of the body.

To begin, sit on your mat with your legs extended out in front of you and your feet flexed towards each other; then lean back slightly so that only your sit bones remain on the ground while keeping your arms parallel to each other at shoulder height.

Hold for five breaths before lowering to all fours or returning to a seated position if necessary.

The Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana)

plank exercise

This is another great way to work those ab muscles. To perform this yoga exercise, come into a tabletop position on hands and knees, then place palms flat against the floor directly under shoulders while extending legs straight behind the body until forming one long line from head to toe.

Hold here for five steady breaths before slowly lowering down onto your forearms or coming back up onto the tabletop again if desired or needed. This move will challenge those deep-core stabilizers.

The Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Bandha Sarvangasana yoga pose: Yoga poses to get toned abs

When done correctly, this helps build strength throughout the entire torso area as well as the abdomen specifically.

Begin by lying face up, knees bent over hips, feet hip-width apart, and heels close enough to touch the wall behind you. Firmly press your palms against the floor next to your ribcage, and lift your hips away from the ground until your thighs are parallel to the floor above your waistline level.

Hold for 5x steady breaths before carefully lowering hips down onto the mat once finished with pose; this one also feels great after plank.

Upward-Facing Dog Pose or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

The upward-facing dog is one of the best yoga poses to get toned abs. It primarily strengthens the upper back, but when done correctly, it also works the abdominals.

Begin by lying face down on a mat/flooring surface and pressing your palms into the ground just outside shoulder width apart. Then push up, arching your back slightly and looking upwards, using only your arm strength to lift your head and neck off the ground.

Maintain a strong connection through the abdominal region while doing this. Make sure not to overextend the lower back portion at any point during the practice session, and complete three sets of ten repetitions each.

Locust Pose

asana salabhasana

This pose targets all four abdominal muscle groups while strengthening them simultaneously, making it an ideal exercise for toning up those abdominals.

To achieve this, sit on your stomach, then raise your arms above your head, keeping palms flat against each other in a prayer form throughout the movement.

Use your lower abdomen strength to lift your chest off the floor without arching your spine too much; hold for five breaths before returning down to your belly.

Side Plank Lift

Vasisthasana pose

When practiced consistently, a variation of the traditional side plank that challenges the obliques even more than the standard version helps create more definition along the sides of our abdomen area quickly.

The side plank lift is a recommended yoga pose for lower abs. Inhale deeply, engaging the transverse abdomen, then exhale, extending the top leg upwards towards the sky, contracting the oblique muscles, while lying sideways with the left hand under the shoulder and the right arm resting across the chest. Pause for a few moments here, then release your foot and gently return to your original starting point.

Wind Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasanam)

Wind relieving pose

Wind-relieving pose (Pawanmuktasanam Yoga) is a yoga exercise that helps to tone the abdominal muscles. It involves lying down on your back and bringing one knee at a time towards your chest while keeping the other leg straight.

This exercise can be done in two different ways: either with both legs bent or with one leg bent and the other extended. Doing this exercise regularly will help to strengthen the core muscles of the abdomen, improve digestion, and reduce stress levels.

The first step in performing Wind Relieving Pose is to lie flat on your back with your arms by your sides and your palms facing down. Your knees should be slightly apart from each other but not too far apart so that you can easily move them closer together when needed during the pose.

Next, bring both knees up to your chest while keeping your feet flat against the floor; use your arms for support if necessary until you feel comfortable enough to stand without them.

Then, with palms still facing downwards, release hands away from the body into the air above the head for the duration of the pose, which usually takes 5-10 breaths depending on the individual’s flexibility level and fitness goals.

Finally, slowly lower your legs back onto the ground, repeating the process and making sure to keep your breathing steady the entire time.

Seated Forward Bend Posture (Paschimottanasanam)

Pascimottanasana Yoga poses to get toned abs

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) is a yoga posture that helps to tone the abdominal muscles and improve core strength. This pose also increases flexibility in the spine, hips, hamstrings, and shoulders. It can be used as part of an overall exercise routine for improving general fitness levels or as a specific practice for toning abs.

To begin this pose, sit comfortably on your mat with your legs extended out in front of you and your feet flexed back slightly towards you, parallel with each other.

Reach up tall through your spine while keeping it straight throughout the entire movement. Inhale deeply then exhale slowly while folding forward at waist level until the torso comes close to touching the thighs or shins.

Keep your head relaxed but your chin tucked slightly towards your chest for the duration of the hold—holding here allows for deep stretching within the lower back area, which helps release tension stored there over time due to physical activity/inactivity patterns we engage in daily life activities such as sitting for long periods at a desk job, etc.

Once in the folded position, begin engaging the abdominal muscles by drawing them inward toward the center line of the body, breathing steadily and slowly throughout.


Yoga is a good form of exercise. To perform any of these yoga poses to get toned abs, it should be noted that results may vary depending on individual goals as well as lifestyle habits such as dieting or exercising outside of yoga practice sessions.

While there are many benefits associated with practicing these poses regularly, it’s essential not to overdo them, so always listen carefully to your body before attempting any pose or exercise program.




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