Home Skin Care 7 Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Lips Fast
ways to get rid of dark lips fast

7 Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Lips Fast

by Kelly Carter

Having dark lips can be an embarrassing problem for many people. However, there are some proven ways to get rid of dark lips fast.  I’ll list seven methods that have been shown to help lighten the color of your lips and restore their natural beauty.

What Can Make One To Suddenly Have Black Lips

Dark lips are a common problem that many people experience. While some medical conditions may cause dark lips, most of the time it’s due to lifestyle or environmental factors. The three potential causes of dark lips are sun exposure, smoking cigarettes, and using harsh lip products.

  • Sun Exposure

Sun exposure is one major factor in the gradual darkening of your lips over time. The skin on our faces has more melanin than other parts of our body, so it absorbs more UV rays from sunlight and gets darker as a result.

If you spend too much time outdoors without proper protection such as sunscreen or SPF chapstick, then your skin will be exposed to these harmful rays for longer periods, leading to discoloration on sensitive areas like the face, including around the mouth area where color change can show up easily, making them look darker than usual.

  • Smoking

Smoking cigarettes is another possible cause for darkened lip coloration since nicotine present in cigarette smoke reduces oxygen supply to cells, which leads to their being deprived of vital nutrients needed for healthy functioning.

Moreover, chemicals found within tobacco smoke also contribute towards drying out natural oils produced by the body, which help keep moisture locked in place, leading again towards dryness and ultimately discoloration.

  • Using Harsh Lip Products

Certain harsh lip products, such as lipstick with heavy pigments or matte formulas, may cause accumulation and buildup near corners and edges, making those spots appear darker.

If your lips are dark, the good news is that it is treatable. With the following tips listed below, you can get rid of that lip discoloration.

Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Lips Fast

  • Hydrate Yourself

One of the most important steps in naturally lightening your dark lips is to drink plenty of water. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses per day for the best results. Additionally, avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can cause further dehydration and lead to darker pigmentation on your lips.

  • Exfoliate Regularly

Gently exfoliating your skin with a soft toothbrush or sugar scrub every few days helps remove any dead skin cells that may be causing discoloration on your lip area.

Doing this regularly will make it easier for natural remedies like lemon juice or honey to penetrate deeper layers, so they can effectively lighten up darkened areas faster.

  • Apply Natural Oils

Applying natural oils to the affected areas twice daily helps nourish dry patches while also providing anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation associated with chapped or darkened lip surfaces over time.

This method should only take a few minutes each night, but it’s worth doing if you want long-lasting results from other treatments mentioned below.

  • Use Sunscreen

Among other ways to get rid of dark lips fast is by trying to limit exposure to direct sunlight as much as possible since sun damage can contribute to darkening one’s natural lip color.

If you do need protection from UV rays while outdoors, then make sure you use an SPF-based lip balm that provides adequate coverage against harmful UV rays without compromising on moisture levels in the process.

  • Take Fruits/foods Rich In Vitamin C

You should also consume foods rich in vitamin C, like oranges or lemons, as this helps promote healthy collagen production, which keeps our skin looking youthful and vibrant.

  • Use Lemon Juice And Honey

Using natural ingredients like lemon juice or honey mixed with almond oil on the affected area is one of the ways to lighten dark lips overnight.

This natural remedy contains bleaching properties that help reduce the darkness on the lips. It is made by combining lemon juice and honey and applying it to the affected area before rinsing it off after about 15 minutes. Repeat daily until desired results are achieved (do not leave it on for longer than recommended time).

  • Rose Water Toner Spray

Spraying rose water toner throughout the day provides a cooling sensation as well as anti-inflammatory benefits, assisting in the healing of damaged cells while restoring moisture balance into dry cracked areas around the mouth, providing much-needed relief.

Why are the lips turning black even if you don’t smoke?

It can be a cause for concern to see your lips turning black, even if you don’t smoke. There are many potential causes of this condition, and it is important to identify the underlying cause to properly treat it.

The most common reasons why the lips may be turning black could include dehydration, excessive sun exposure, or an allergic reaction.

Dehydration can occur when not enough water or other fluids are consumed throughout the day, which can lead to dryness on your skin and even darkening of the lips due to a lack of hydration.

Excessive sun exposure without proper protection from sunscreen and lip balm with SPF can also result in darkened lips as well as chapped skin around them due to UV radiation damage over time.

Lastly, an allergic reaction such as contact dermatitis caused by certain ingredients in cosmetics or food items may also contribute to discoloration on your mouth area if you have sensitive skin that reacts quickly upon contact with allergens like pollen, dust mites, etc.

Medical Treatment For Dark Lips

One popular treatment option is laser resurfacing or chemical peels. These procedures involve using lasers or chemicals on the skin’s surface to remove dead cells and stimulate new cell growth that will reduce discoloration in the lip area.

Another way you can treat darkened lip tissue is through microdermabrasion, which involves exfoliating away layers of dead skin cells while also stimulating collagen production underneath them, eventually leading to a brighter, healthier-looking, pinker-colored mouth area without any harsh chemicals involved.


These seven proven methods are great ways to get rid of dark lips fast without having to resort to expensive treatments such as laser therapy or chemical peels. Regular use should yield results within a few weeks, depending on how severe your condition is at the start.

However, if none of these remedies seem promising, it might be best to consult with a dermatologist who specializes in this type of treatment so they can provide more personalized advice.

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