Home Health & Wellness 7 Simple Natural Remedies For Menstrual Cramps You Need To Know
natural remedies for menstrual cramps

7 Simple Natural Remedies For Menstrual Cramps You Need To Know

by Kelly Carter

Every woman experiences menstrual cramps at some point in her life. Fortunately, some natural remedies can help ease the pain without any adverse effects. In this article, I will discuss seven simple and effective natural remedies for menstrual cramps.

These painful contractions in the lower abdomen can range from mild to severe, making it difficult to go about your daily routine.

What are Menstrual Cramps?

Menstrual cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea, are uterine contractions that occur as the uterus sheds its lining during your menstrual period.

These contractions can cause pain, discomfort, and sometimes even severe cramping. Typically, the pain occurs just before or during menstruation and can vary in intensity.

Symptoms of Period Pain

Here are the common symptoms and characteristics associated with menstrual cramps:

a) Abdominal Pain

The most  common symptom of menstrual cramps is a dull, aching pain in the lower abdomen. This pain can range from mild to severe and is often described as a cramping or throbbing sensation.

b) Pelvic Discomfort

Menstrual cramps can cause discomfort and pain in the pelvic area, including the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating into the lower back and thighs.

c) Timing

Cramps usually begin a day or two before menstruation and may last for several days into the menstrual period. The pain tends to be most intense during the first two days of the menstrual cycle.

d) Intermittent Pain

Menstrual cramps can be intermittent, coming and going in waves, or they may be constant and continuous.

e) Severity

The severity of menstrual cramps varies among individuals. Some experience mild, manageable discomfort, while others may have severe cramps that significantly impact their daily activities.

What causes menstrual cramps?

The exact cause of menstrual cramps is not fully understood, but they are believed to be triggered by the release of certain chemicals called prostaglandins, which cause the uterine muscles to contract more intensely.

Many women, especially teenagers, prefer to use over-the-counter pain relievers for painful periods, however, they often come with unwanted side effects. If you wish to try some home solutions for menstrual pains, any of the following listed below are very effective:

Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

  1. Exercising
  2. Diet
  3. Massaging
  4. Hot Compress for Instant Relief
  5. Herbal Remedies
  6. Stress Management
  7.  Essential Oils

1. Exercising

Exercise is a powerful method for managing menstrual cramps. Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers, and improves blood flow, reducing cramp severity. Mild to moderate exercises such as walking, jogging, or yoga can help relieve menstrual cramps.

How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Routine

  • Aerobic Exercise: Activities like jogging, brisk walking, or swimming can boost blood flow.
  • Yoga: Specific yoga poses can gently stretch and relax your pelvic muscles, offering relief.
  • Cardio Workouts: Engaging in cardio workouts can enhance blood circulation, minimizing cramp intensity.

2. Diet

What you eat plays a significant role in managing menstrual cramps. Certain foods can help reduce inflammation and muscle tension. Include the following foods in your diet:

  • Fatty fish like salmon or trout
  • Flaxseeds or chia seeds
  • Walnuts or almonds
  • Leafy green vegetables like spinach or kale
  • Berries such as blueberries or strawberries

3. Massaging

Massage is a wonderful way to relieve menstrual cramps. It can improve blood circulation, and provide a sense of relaxation. Here’s how to use massage as a remedy:

Abdominal Massage: Gently massage your lower abdomen in a circular motion. You can use a natural oil, like coconut or lavender, to make it more soothing.

Lower Back Massage: Massaging your lower back can also provide relief, as this is where many of the cramp-inducing uterine muscles are located.

4. Hot Compress for Instant Relief

Applying a hot compress to your lower abdomen or lower back is a quick and effective way to ease menstrual cramps. The warmth helps relax the uterine muscles, reduces pain, and increases blood flow to the area.

How to Use Heat Therapy:

  • Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on your lower abdomen or lower back for 15-20 minutes.
  • Take a warm bath to relax your muscles and alleviate cramps.
  • Ensure the temperature is comfortable and avoid extreme heat to prevent burns or skin damage.

5. Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to alleviate menstrual cramps. Some of these herbs have properties that can help reduce pain and discomfort.

Ginger Tea: Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Brewing a cup of ginger tea can provide relief from cramps.
Chamomile Tea: Chamomile has soothing and muscle-relaxing qualities. A cup of chamomile tea can ease cramp-induced tension.
Cramp Bark: This herb, available in various forms, can help relax uterine muscles and relieve cramps.

6. Stress Management

Stress can worsen menstrual cramps. High stress levels can lead to muscle tension and increased pain. To manage stress, do these:
Relaxation Techniques: Consider practices like deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness to reduce stress and cramp severity.
Aromatherapy: Certain essential oils, like lavender and peppermint, can be used for relaxation and stress reduction.

7. Essential Oils

Using essential oils can be a natural and effective way to cure menstrual cramps. Certain oils possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, providing quick pain relief.

Lavender, clary sage, and rosemary oils are commonly used to reduce the severity of cramps. Dilute these oils with a carrier oil and gently massage them onto the lower abdomen and lower back.

Essential Oil Application

  • Choose a carrier oil, such as coconut or almond oil.
  • Add a few drops of essential oil to the carrier oil and mix well.

Over-the-Counter Remedies (When Natural Remedies Aren’t Enough)

If your menstrual cramps are severe and natural remedies don’t provide adequate relief, over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen can be effective. However, it’s essential to use them as directed and consult a healthcare professional if needed.


Menstrual cramps are a common part of a woman’s life, but there are natural remedies that can help ease the discomfort and pain they cause.

Incorporating exercise, heat therapy, herbal teas, a balanced diet, abdominal massage, and various home remedies into your routine can reduce the severity of menstrual cramps.

While these natural remedies can be highly effective for many women, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional if your cramps are severe or if they persist.

Remember, what helps menstrual cramps naturally can vary from person to person, so don’t be discouraged if the first remedy you try doesn’t provide immediate relief.

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