Home Skin Care 11 Ways To Check If Cosmetics Are Safe
ways to check if cosmetics are safe

11 Ways To Check If Cosmetics Are Safe

by Kelly Carter

Cosmetics are a part of many people’s daily routines, but it can be tricky to know if the products you’re using are safe. To ensure that they are free from any potentially harmful ingredients, here is a list of eleven ways to check if cosmetics are safe.

How to Check if Cosmetics are Safe: Factors to Take Note of:

1. Read Labels Carefully

Pay attention not only to the product name but also read through any warnings or instructions on the label carefully to understand what it contains and how it should be used safely. Furthermore, look out for expiration dates, which indicate when products may no longer be effective or could cause harm due to age deterioration.

2. Researching the Ingredients Online

Check each ingredient listed on the label against reliable sources like The Environmental Working Group (EWG), Cosmetics Info, etc, where you can find information about potential hazards associated with certain chemicals found in makeup items.

3. Examine Third-Party Organization Certifications

Look for certification logos from organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Leaping Bunny Program, etc., which indicate that their standards have been met by manufacturers who do not test their products on animals.

4. Products Containing Fragrances and Parabens should be Avoided

Many fragrances contain phthalates, which can disrupt hormones, while parabens act as preservatives, but they too have been linked with hormone disruption.

5. Choose Natural Ingredients whenever Possible

Select natural ingredients over synthetic ones whenever possible since these tend to be gentler on the skin.

6. Check the Ratings on Retailer Websites

Most major retailers will provide ratings based on user reviews, so this indicates whether other customers had positive experiences with particular brands or products.

7. Look for Non-comedogenic Options

These types of cosmetic items won’t clog pores, so they help keep acne at bay.

8. Sunscreens Containing Oxybenzone or Octinoxate Should be Avoided

Both oxybenzone and octinoxate have been linked to coral bleaching when applied directly to bodies of water; therefore, zinc oxide-containing sunscreens should be used instead.

9. Choose Cruelty-free Brands Wherever Possible

This ensures that animal testing has never taken place during the production process.

Before using any new product, always perform a patch test by applying a small amount behind the ear and waiting 24 hours before continuing.

10. Seek Professional Advice

Consulting cosmetic safety experts; professionals such as dermatologists have knowledge about which substances may cause reactions and thus advise against using certain types of makeup due to their risk factor(s).

  • The Use of a Cosmetic Ingredient Checker

A cosmetic ingredient checker is an essential tool for anyone who uses makeup or other beauty products. It allows users to quickly and easily identify the ingredients in their cosmetics, so they can make informed decisions about what goes on their skin.

The first step in using a cosmetic ingredient checker is entering the name of a particular product into its search bar. Once you have done this, it will return detailed information regarding all ingredients listed on its label as well as any related warnings associated with them, such as possible allergic reactions or irritating effects on sensitive skin types like eczema-prone complexions.

One of the most popular cosmetic ingredient checkers is the COSDNA Analyzer Tool (CAT). This free online tool allows users to quickly search for specific ingredients found in cosmetics by entering either their name or CAS number into the search bar provided on their website.

Once an item has been located in CAT’s database, it displays a variety of useful information, such as its safety rating according to international standards like the EU Cosmetics Directive 76/768/EEC and the US Food and Drug Administration’s 21 CFR Parts 700–799.

You can also check ingredients in the cosmetics app:

The Check Ingredients in Cosmetics app allows users to quickly scan a product’s barcode and get information about its contents right away. The app also includes a list of common chemicals found in cosmetics so that customers can double-check before using something new on their skin to be sure it won’t cause them any issues down the line.

There are apps to use. One of the best is the think dirty app. This type of technology makes shopping for cosmetic items much easier than ever before since consumers no longer have to worry whether or not they’re buying something safe for themselves and others around them who might have sensitive skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

With this kind of transparency into what goes into our beauty products, we’re better able to protect ourselves while still enjoying everything makeup has to offer!

Safe Cosmetics Database

The Safe Cosmetics Database is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning about the safety of their cosmetics and personal care products. The database is maintained by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit organization that works to protect public health and the environment.

The EWG collects data from scientific studies, government records, industry sources, and other reliable sources to provide consumers with comprehensive information on over 70,000 ingredients used in cosmetics and personal care products.

The database allows users to search for specific ingredients or brands of cosmetic products using either a general keyword search or more advanced filters such as product type or ingredient name or number.

Once found, each entry provides detailed information about the potential hazards associated with each ingredient, along with additional resources such as consumer reports on product safety ratings from independent organizations like Consumer Reports magazine.

Also, there are links provided that allow users to access further research materials related to individual chemicals contained within any given brand’s formula.

In addition to providing valuable information regarding cosmetic ingredient toxicity levels, the Safe Cosmetics Database also serves as an important advocacy tool for those wishing to promote safe beauty practices around the world through education campaigns aimed at raising awareness about potentially dangerous substances present in everyday items like make-up, lotions, etc.

By making this vital knowledge available free of charge, it has become easier than ever before for consumers everywhere to make informed decisions when it comes time to purchase new beauty items.


Cosmetics are an essential part of many people’s daily routines, and it is important to ensure that they are safe for use. While cosmetics companies do their best to make sure the products they produce meet safety standards, there are a few steps consumers can take to verify the safety of their cosmetics.

Following these simple steps on how to check if cosmetics are safe can protect you from long-term health hazards related to unsafe beauty items. To ensure that they are free from any potentially harmful ingredients, here is a list of eleven ways to check if cosmetics are safe.

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