Home Lifestyle 6 Ways To Cure Dry Skin On The Face In 2 Weeks
cure dry skin on face in two weeks.

6 Ways To Cure Dry Skin On The Face In 2 Weeks

by Kelly Carter

Many factors can lead to dry skin on the face, which can cause discomfort, irritation, and redness. However, there are several ways to cure dry skin on face in two weeks. Read further to see the tips!

The most common symptom of dry facial skin is feeling tightness after washing your face with warm water and soap; this tightness should go away within minutes when applying moisturizer afterwards. Other symptoms include red patches on the cheeks, scales around the nose area, and itching and flaking.

These conditions are treatable with a proper skincare routine, including using gentle cleansers without fragrances or dyes, avoiding very hot showers or baths for long periods, using lukewarm water instead, applying fragrance-free moisturizers regularly throughout the day, especially after showering, limiting exposure to strong sunlight if possible, etc.

It’s important not to ignore any signs of persistently dry skin on the face, as there might be more serious underlying causes, like hormonal imbalances from thyroid issues or diabetes. If you notice any changes in texture, coloration, or irritation that don’t improve within a few days, then consult your doctor immediately.

Ways To Cure Dry Skin On Face In 2 Weeks

  1. Staying hydrated
  2. Use mild cleansers
  3. Moisturize
  4. Exfoliate
  5. Take Supplements
  6. Lifestyle changes

1. Staying Hydrated

Woman Drinking Water From Glass Bottle: ways to cure dry skin on the face in two weeks

Drinking plenty of water is one of the ways to cure dry skin on face in two weeks. Water helps keep your body hydrated and this will help reduce any dryness on the face as well. Proper hydration is essential for healthy-looking skin and will help keep it moisturized from within.

If you find that plain water isn’t doing the trick, try adding some lemon juice for flavor or infusing it with fruit slices like strawberries or cucumber to add more nutrients.

2. Use Mild Cleansers

Using mild cleanser is also an effective way to treat dry skin on face. It is important to ensure that you’re using gentle cleansers when washing your face twice daily as harsh soaps may strip away natural oils from the surface of the skin leading to further drying out.

It is also essential for those with sensitive facial areas like around the eyes or nose area, to use products specifically designed for this purpose which will help reduce irritation.

3. Moisturize

Using oil-based creams/lotions before bedtime will lock in moisture overnight while lighter lotions during daytime hours will provide hydration throughout the day without feeling too heavy or greasy.

Additionally, these oils contain fatty acids which help replenish moisture in the skin and provide protection against further drying out of your face.

4. Exfoliate

Exfoliation is needed when looking for solutions on how to get rid of dry skin on the face overnight. This removes dead cells from the surface of your epidermis so that new ones can grow back quickly, leaving you with smoother, softer-feeling skin.

Try using gentle scrubs made from natural ingredients like oats or sugar at least once per week (or every other day), but don’t overdo it; too much scrubbing could make matters worse.

Also, try applying an overnight mask containing nourishing oils such as argan oil, which will further replenish lost moisture levels while also providing antioxidant protection against environmental damage.

5. Take Supplements

Taking essential fatty acid (EFA) supplements is another helpful tip when attempting to treat dry skin on the face. EFAs are important components of healthy cell membranes and play an important role in maintaining optimal hydration levels within our bodies—something we need when dealing with chronically dehydrating conditions like eczema, dryness, etc.

You should aim for 500 mg daily, either through food sources (such as fish oil capsules) or through supplementation tablets available at most health stores; both options have been proven effective when taken regularly.

6. Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes should also be taken into consideration when treating dry skin. You should avoid hot showers and baths.

Read also: The Ordinary Skincare For Dry Skin On Face: How To Build An Effective Skincare Routine

Things That Can Lead To Dryness Of The Face

One major factor that leads to facial dryness is environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures or low humidity levels.

When exposed to these harsh conditions for prolonged periods without protection like moisturizer or sunscreen, our faces become dehydrated and start showing signs of dry skin, such as a tight feeling after washing your face with water alone; this means you need more moisture.

Furthermore, frequent hot showers contribute greatly towards drying out your facial tissue due to all-over exposure over extended periods, so try limiting shower times.

Finally, lifestyle habits are another key contributor to developing facial dryness; smoking cigarettes has been strongly linked to causing dehydration within our bodies.

In addition, alcohol consumption depletes vital vitamins and minerals from within our systems, so, it is vital that you reduce your intake of alcohol.

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin On Your Face Using Home Remedies

The most important thing when treating dry facial skin at home is hydration—both externally and internally. Make sure that you drink plenty of water throughout the day as well as use natural oils like coconut oil or olive oil directly on your face before bedtime each night.

This will provide deep moisturization while also helping to lock in moisture during sleep so that your face won’t become overly dried out by morning.

In addition, adding honey to this mix has been known to further increase its effectiveness due to its antibacterial properties, which help protect against any potential infections caused by bacteria buildup on the face over long periods.

Lastly, if all else fails, try exfoliating with gentle scrubbing motions twice a week combined with weekly masks made from natural ingredients like yogurt and oatmeal (or other combinations depending upon preference).

Apply directly onto clean, dampened face, allow the mixture to stay at lest 10-15 minutes, after that, rinse off with lukewarm.


Everyone desires a smooth face; however, it might require a combination approach to achieve that.  So, if you seek solution on the most effective ways to cure dry skin on face, it important that you first identify any underlying causes for the dryness, such as allergies or medical conditions that could be contributing factors.

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