Home Skin Care Can Stress Cause Rough Skin: 5 Signs And How To Get Rid Of It
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Can Stress Cause Rough Skin: 5 Signs And How To Get Rid Of It

by Kelly Carter

Stress is a common part of life, but it can have an adverse effect on the skin. It can affect the condition of your skin, causing dryness, redness, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. In this article, I’ll explore some of the ways stress can rough skin and how you can get rid of it.

Rough skin is an uncomfortable and often unsightly condition that affects many people. While there are many potential causes for rough skin, stress is one of the most common ones.

When you are under a lot of stress for long periods, your body releases hormones that cause inflammation, which leads to dryness in your skin as well as rashes or breakouts like acne or eczema.

Also, cortisol levels increase due to prolonged exposure to stress, which causes increased oil production, leading to clogged pores and blemishes on the face or body. Signs such as dark circles under the eyes from lack of sleep caused by high-stress levels also indicate that you may be suffering from rough skin due to stressful circumstances.

The signs of stress on the skin are often visible to others and can be quite embarrassing or uncomfortable for those who experience them. To help combat these signs of stress, it’s important to know what they look like so that you can identify them early and take steps to reduce their effects. Here are four common signs of stress on the skin:

 Signs Of Stress On The Skin

  • Dryness

One of the obvious symptoms of skin stress is dryness or flaking. When the body experiences high levels of stress hormones like cortisol or adrenaline, they disrupt the natural balance between oil production and water retention in the body’s cells, which leads to dryness or flaking on the surface of your skin.

Dryness occurs when there isn’t enough moisture being produced by the sebaceous glands in your skin to keep it hydrated. Other signs of dehydration include redness or flaking of the surface layer of your skin (the outermost layer).

Dry patches may also appear due to a lack of oil production, which leads to an inability for new cells to replenish themselves quickly enough, resulting in premature aging signs like wrinkles or fine lines appearing prematurely.

  • Acne Breakout

Stress hormones cause an increase in oil production in your pores, which leads to more clogged pores and pimples or cystic acne flare-ups around your face, chest, back, or shoulders.

To get rid of this type of breakout caused by stress, try using topical treatments such as benzoyl peroxide cream; however, if you find that it doesn’t work, then speak with a dermatologist about other options available for treating severe cases, like isotretinoin medications (Accutane).

  • Eczema Flare-ups

Another sign is eczema flare-ups due to dryness from lack of moisture retention caused by increased cortisol levels during times when we’re feeling stressed out. If you suffer from eczema due to too much exposure to environmental factors, try switching up laundry detergents and fabric softeners, as well as adding humidifiers to your home environment.

 Moisturizing regularly will also help keep any existing patches hydrated while reducing the itchiness associated with this condition.

  • Psoriasis

Psoriasis, which appears as red scaly patches usually found around elbows, knees, the scalp, and the lower back area, could be triggered by emotional distress. Things such as anxiety, depression, etc.

This condition necessitates medical attention because there isn’t much that can be done at home, but prescription medicated creams may help relieve some symptoms temporarily until further treatment is discussed in the doctor-patient relationship.

How To Get Rid Of Rough Skin Caused By Stress

1. Use An Exfoliating Scrub

Exfoliation is one of the best ways to get rid of rough skin caused by stress. It helps remove dead cells from the surface layer of your skin, revealing softer, smoother-looking results without causing irritation or inflammation.

This technique also helps improve circulation in your face, which can help reduce the redness and puffiness associated with stressed-out complexions.

2. Moisturize Regularly

Regularly moisturizing is key when it comes to keeping your complexion looking healthy and nourished despite any external stresses that may be present in your life right now.

Look for products specifically designed for dryer or rougher areas such as elbows, knees, etc. These products should contain ingredients like shea butter, which will help lock moisture into these areas more effectively than a regular lotion would do alone.

3. Eat Foods Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to provide anti-inflammatory benefits that could potentially soothe irritated patches on rougher parts of our bodies (including our faces). Examples include salmon, mackerel, sardines, etc.

4. Get Plenty Of Sleep

Lack of sleep can lead to stress, which will make your skin even rougher. So try to get at least 8 hours of restful sleep every night if possible for the best results when it comes to reducing stress caused by rough skin conditions.

5. Drink Lots Of Water

Water not only keeps us hydrated but also flushes out toxins from our bodies, thereby reducing the chances of acne breakouts. It also, hydrates the skin at all layers, leaving it soft, smooth, and shiny. So make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

6. Avoid Harsh Cleansers

Harsh cleansers strip away natural oils from the surface, leading to dryness and dullness. Use gentle cleansing milk instead; this way, you’re removing dirt and grime while maintaining a balance between oil production levels.

7. Exercise Regularly

Free Confident young sportswoman strengthening back muscles during training to help combat rough skin

Exercise releases endorphins that act like natural painkillers in the body, reducing feelings of stress or anxiety. It also increases circulation throughout your body by bringing oxygen-rich blood cells to your skin’s surface for better hydration and nourishment.

Moreover, exercise encourages sweating, which removes toxins from the body while providing additional moisture for dry areas such as hands or feet—two common places where rough patches may be caused by elevated cortisol levels in the bloodstream.


Skin issues resulting from high levels of stress shouldn’t be ignored, but rather addressed head-on using these simple and effective strategies outlined above. Following them will quickly get rid of that rough skin.



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