Home Skin Care Acne Control: 9 Foods You Should Avoid For Acne

Acne Control: 9 Foods You Should Avoid For Acne

by Kelly Carter

Acne is a skin condition that affects people of all ages. There are many effective ways to control acne and prevent it from getting worse. One way to do this is by avoiding certain foods that have been linked to causing or worsening acne breakouts. Here are 9 foods to avoid for acne.

To control acne breakouts, it’s important to understand the causes as well as which foods may trigger flare-ups. Knowing what not to eat can help you maintain healthy skin and reduce the severity of your acne outbreaks.

There are certain types of food that should be avoided if you are trying to control your acne breakouts because they aggravate inflammation in the body, which triggers an increase in oil production on the face, resulting in more pimples or blackheads forming on your skin. What are the lists of foods that cause acne?

Foods To Avoid For Acne

1. Refined Carbohydrates

Eating refined carbs is one of the foods to avoid for acne. Foods like white bread, pasta, and rice can cause blood sugar levels to spike, which can lead to increased sebum production and breakouts.

2. Dairy Products

Dairy products contain hormones that stimulate oil glands in the skin, leading to more clogged pores and inflammation. They also contain hormones, which trigger hormonal changes leading to an increase in sebum production, causing oily skin conditions often associated with acne flare-ups.

3. Sugary Snacks

Excess sugar consumption raises insulin levels, causing inflammation throughout the body, including the face.

4. Fried Food

Fried food is one of the lists of foods that cause acne. It contains trans fats, which promote inflammation, as well as free radicals that damage collagen, causing wrinkles and sagging of facial tissue, which then leads to more visible signs of aging along with blemishes caused by oily buildup from fried food consumption.

5. Processed Meats

Also on the list of foods to avoid for acne control are processed meats. These meats contain nitrates or preservatives such as sodium nitrate or monosodium glutamate (MSG). Both of these compounds have been linked with increased risk for inflammatory conditions like rosacea, so they’re best avoided when trying to prevent flare-ups from occurring on our faces.

6. Alcoholic Drinks

Alcohol not only dehydrates our bodies, but it can also have a very high-calorie content without providing any nutritional value. It leaves us feeling sluggish after consumption and makes us less likely to exercise regularly, thereby, reducing the circulation required for a healthy-looking complexion.

7. Caffeine Beverages

Coffee has diuretic properties, meaning it draws water out of cells within the body, increasing dehydration issues, while caffeine itself increases the stress hormone cortisol, resulting in an elevated heart rate and further contributing to the dryness associated with breakouts.

8. Salty Snacks

Too much salt intake results in higher blood pressure and other health concerns, not to mention its drying effect upon already susceptible complexions.

9. Margarine/Butter Substitute

These spreads often contain hydrogenated oils, thus containing large amounts of trans fats known to worsen inflamed areas, especially those prone to redness, bumps, blemishes, etc.

While the foods listed here can cause acne, it is also vital that you know some of the foods that can prevent acne and the best diet to get rid of acne in a week.

Foods That Prevent Acne

One type of food to consider adding to your diet is nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables such as berries, apples, carrots, spinach, and sweet potatoes. These contain vitamins A and C, which have been proven to reduce inflammation associated with acne outbreaks by reducing sebum production in the skin’s pores—an underlying cause for many cases of acne breakouts.

They also contain antioxidants, which protect against environmental damage caused by free radicals linked to chronic inflammation, increasing the risk of developing severe forms of acne such as cystic or nodular lesions on the face, neck, chest, back, and so on.

Another food worth mentioning is proteins like fish, poultry, eggs, beans, nuts, and seeds. Quinoa, tempeh, tofu, and other foods high in omega 3/6/9 fatty acids act as natural anti-inflammatory agents, reducing the redness, swelling, and tenderness associated with inflamed pimples, blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads, and so on.

Furthermore, proteins promote collagen production, preserve skin elasticity, and provide essential minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and copper.

Finally, probiotics found in fermented vegetables and cultured dairy products such as yogurt, and kefir, aid digestion, and absorption. It helps to balance the gut microbiome and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Overgrowth of yeast fungi causes hormonal imbalances and the appearance of various types of nasty spots in areas such as the face, and chest.

Probiotics are a type of beneficial bacteria that naturally occur in the human gut (Gastrointestinal tract). They help to maintain healthy digestion and protect against harmful bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

Diet To Get Rid Of Acne In A Week

Eating healthy is one of the most important steps to getting rid of acne in a week. Eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as avoiding processed and sugary foods, can help reduce inflammation caused by acne.

Also, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can provide the body with antioxidants, which may help prevent breakouts from occurring.

To get rid of acne quickly, it is also important to drink lots of water throughout the day. Water helps flush out toxins from your body that could lead to further skin damage or irritation. Drinking at least 8 cups/glasses per day will ensure that you are properly hydrated, which can improve overall skin health, leading to clearer-looking skin within a week.

While diet plays an integral role in reducing breakouts, it is also necessary to practice good hygiene habits, such as washing your face twice daily with gentle cleansers specifically designed for those with oily or combination skin types prone to developing blemishes more easily than others do.

Doing this will remove dirt buildup on your face before it has a chance to clog pores, resulting in inflamed pimples. So make that you do not forget this step when trying to clear up any existing zits fast.


Avoiding certain types of food has proven beneficial when attempting to control outbreaks associated with acne.

Eating the right foods can have a major impact on your skin. A healthy diet and nutritious foods are essential for maintaining clear, glowing skin. Therefore, reducing your intake of these “unhealthy” foods could be a great start to improving lifestyle habits when dealing with acne control.

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