Home Skin Care 6 Effective Home Treatments For Oily Skin
Home Treatments for Oily Skin

6 Effective Home Treatments For Oily Skin

by Kelly Carter

Oily skin can be a frustrating and challenging condition to manage. While there are numerous products available to address this issue, many individuals prefer natural and cost-effective remedies that they can easily try at home. In this article, I’ll share with you six effective home treatments for oily skin that can help restore balance and achieve a healthy complexion.

Excess sebum production can lead to greasy, shiny skin, clogged pores, and increased acne breakouts. There are some underlying causes for oily skin. You’ll need to understand that before knowing how to treat oily skin with home remedies. So, what are the causes of oily skin?

Causes of oily skin

i. Overactive Sebaceous Glands

One of the main causes of oily skin is the sebaceous glands. These tiny oil-producing glands are scattered all over our skin and are responsible for lubricating and protecting it. However, in some individuals, these glands go into overdrive, producing excessive oil that leaves your skin looking greasy.

ii. Hormonal Imbalances

Speaking of hormones, they play a significant role in determining the oiliness of your skin. During puberty or times of hormonal fluctuations, such as pregnancy or menopause, the body’s hormone levels can go haywire, triggering excessive oil production.

iii. Genetic Predisposition

Sometimes, the root cause of oily skin can be traced back to your family tree. If your parents or close relatives have oily skin, you are more likely to inherit the same complexion. Thanks, genetics!

iv. Inappropriate Skincare Routine

Believe it or not, your skincare routine could be exacerbating your oily skin. Over-cleansing or using harsh products can strip away the natural oils from your skin, prompting the sebaceous glands to compensate by producing more oil.

So, avoid the temptation to scrub your face vigorously or try the latest trendy products without considering their suitability for your skin type.

v. Environmental Factors

Yes, even external factors can have a hand in making your skin oilier. Living in a hot and humid climate, excessive exposure to sunlight, or being constantly surrounded by pollution can all contribute to increased oil production.

While you can’t control the weather, taking preventive measures like using sunscreen, staying hydrated, and cleansing your face regularly can help keep excess oil at bay.

Now that we have unraveled the causes of oily skin, what is the best treatment for an oily face? Let’s explore some simple natural remedies that can aid in managing this pesky issue.

Effective home treatments for oily skin

1. Honey and Lemon

The combination of honey and lemon remains one of the most effective home treatments for oily skin. Honey has antibacterial properties that help fight acne-causing bacteria, while lemon juice works as a natural astringent, removing excess oil.

Mix one tablespoon of raw honey with one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, apply it to your face, and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing off. Repeat this treatment twice a week for best results.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is hailed as a fantastic toner for oily skin due to its ability to restore the skin’s pH balance.

Dilute one part vinegar with two parts water and apply it to your face using a cotton ball after cleansing. Allow it to dry, then rinse with water. Regular use of apple cider vinegar will regulate oil production and prevent clogged pores.

3. Clay Masks

Using a clay mask is one of the best at-home treatments for oily skin. Clay masks are excellent for absorbing excess oil and impurities from the skin, leaving it smooth and matte. Bentonite or kaolin clay is particularly beneficial for oily skin.

Blend the clay powder with water or apple cider vinegar to form a paste, apply it to your face, and let it dry for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water, and rejoice in your refreshed skin. Use a clay mask once a week to control oiliness.

4. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera Gel: Home Treatments for Oily Skin

Aloe vera is one of the best home treatments for oily skin. Its natural soothing properties reduce inflammation and control excessive oiliness.

Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it directly to your face. Leave it on for 10–15 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water. Consistent use of aloe vera gel will regulate sebum production and promote a smoother complexion.

5. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a popular natural remedy for various skin ailments, including oily skin. It possesses antimicrobial properties that can help combat acne and reduce sebum production.

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with carrier oil and apply it to your face using a cotton pad. Leave it on overnight and rinse it off in the morning. Remember to patch test before using tea tree oil and to dilute it adequately.

6. Turmeric and Yogurt

Turmeric has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine for its healing properties. Combining it with yogurt forms a potent treatment for oily skin. Turmeric helps control excess oil production, while yogurt soothes and moisturizes the skin.

Get one teaspoon of turmeric powder with two tablespoons of plain yogurt, apply it to your face, and let it sit for 15–20 minutes. Rinse off gently with lukewarm water and revel in the glow of your refreshed skin.


Having oily skin doesn’t mean you have to endure the constant struggle with oily skin and breakouts. The six home treatments discussed in this article are inexpensive, easy to use, and highly effective at controlling excess oil production.

Consistent use of these remedies, combined with a healthy skincare routine, can yield visible results over time.

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